编辑:激发光源事业部时间:2019-09-05 10:26:27浏览19054 次
mCherry是一种来自于蘑菇珊瑚(mushroom coral)的红色荧光蛋白,常有于标记和示踪某些分子和细胞组分。相对于其他荧光,mCherry的好处在于它的颜色和应用最多的绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)能进行共同标记,并且mCherry相对于其他单体荧光蛋白来说也具有卓越的光稳定型。
mcherry Fluorescent Proteins Excitation Emission
mCherry是一种来自于蘑菇珊瑚(mushroom coral)的红色荧光蛋白,常有于标记和示踪某些分子和细胞组分。相对于其他荧光,mcherry的好处在于它的颜色和应用最多的绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)能进行共同标记,并且mcherry相对于其他单体荧光蛋白来说也具有卓越的光稳定型。
?荧光共振能量转移(fluorescence resonance energy transfer,FRET)和其他定量实验;
mCherry is a fluorophore (a fluorescent protein) used in biotechnology as a tracer to follow the flow of fluids, as a marker when tagged to molecules and cell components. mCherry and the majority of red fluorescent proteins derive from a protein isolated from Discosoma sp., while other fluorescent proteins in the green range are often variants of GFP from Aequorea victoria.
上图为LUV-590A 红色荧光蛋白拍照滤镜
紫外荧光蛋白UV Proteins
Protein | Excitation Wavelength | Emission Wavelength |
Sirius | 355 | 424 |
Sandercyanin | 375 | 630 |
shBFP-N158S/L173I | 375 | 458 |
蓝色荧光蛋白Blue Proteins
Protein | Excitation Wavelength | Emission Wavelength |
Azurite | 383 | 450 |
EBFP2 | 383 | 448 |
mKalama1 | 385 | 456 |
mTagBFP2 | 399 | 454 |
TagBFP | 402 | 457 |
shBFP | 401 | 458 |
青色荧光蛋白Cyan Proteins
Protein | Excitation Wavelength | Emission Wavelength |
ECFP | 433 | 475 |
Cerulean | 433 | 475 |
mCerulean3 | 433 | 475 |
SCFP3A | 433 | 474 |
CyPet | 435 | 477 |
mTurquoise | 434 | 474 |
mTurquoise2 | 434 | 474 |
TagCFP | 458 | 480 |
mTFP1 | 462 | 492 |
monomeric Midoriishi-Cyan | 470 | 496 |
Aquamarine | 430 | 474 |
绿色荧光蛋白Green Proteins
Protein | Excitation Wavelength | Emission Wavelength |
TurboGFP | 482 | 502 |
TagGFP2 | 483 | 506 |
mUKG | 483 | 499 |
Superfolder GFP | 485 | 510 |
Emerald | 487 | 509 |
EGFP | 488 | 507 |
Monomeric Azami Green | 492 | 505 |
mWasabi | 493 | 509 |
Clover | 505 | 515 |
mNeonGreen | 506 | 517 |
NowGFP | 494 | 502 |
mClover3 | 506 | 518 |
黄色荧光蛋白Yellow Proteins
Protein | Excitation Wavelength | Emission Wavelength |
TagYFP | 508 | 524 |
EYFP | 513 | 527 |
Topaz | 514 | 527 |
Venus | 515 | 528 |
SYFP2 | 515 | 527 |
Citrine | 516 | 529 |
Ypet | 517 | 530 |
lanRFP-ΔS83 | 521 | 592 |
mPapaya1 | 530 | 541 |
mCyRFP1 | 528 | 594 |
桔色荧光蛋白Orange Proteins
Protein | Excitation Wavelength | Emission Wavelength |
Monomeric Kusabira-Orange | 548 | 559 |
mOrange | 548 | 562 |
mOrange2 | 549 | 565 |
mKOκ | 551 | 563 |
mKO2 | 551 | 565 |
红色荧光蛋白Red Proteins
Protein | Excitation Wavelength | Emission Wavelength |
TagRFP | 555 | 584 |
TagRFP-T | 555 | 584 |
RRvT | 556 | 583 |
mRuby | 558 | 605 |
mRuby2 | 559 | 600 |
mTangerine | 568 | 585 |
mApple | 568 | 592 |
mStrawberry | 574 | 596 |
FusionRed | 580 | 608 |
mCherry | 587 | 610 |
mNectarine | 558 | 578 |
mRuby3 | 558 | 592 |
mScarlet | 569 | 594 |
mScarlet-I | 569 | 593 |
远红荧光蛋白Far Red Proteins
Protein | Excitation Wavelength | Emission Wavelength |
mKate2 | 588 | 633 |
HcRed-Tandem | 590 | 637 |
mPlum | 590 | 649 |
mRaspberry | 598 | 625 |
mNeptune | 600 | 650 |
NirFP | 605 | 670 |
TagRFP657 | 611 | 657 |
TagRFP675 | 598 | 675 |
mCardinal | 604 | 659 |
mStable | 597 | 633 |
mMaroon1 | 609 | 657 |
mGarnet2 | 598 | 671 |
近红荧光蛋白Near IR Proteins
Protein | Excitation Wavelength | Emission Wavelength |
iFP1.4 | 684 | 708 |
iRFP713 (iRFP) | 690 | 713 |
iRFP670 | 643 | 670 |
iRFP682 | 663 | 682 |
iRFP702 | 673 | 702 |
iRFP720 | 702 | 720 |
iFP2.0 | 690 | 711 |
mIFP | 683 | 704 |
TDsmURFP | 642 | 670 |
miRFP670 | 642 | 670 |
Sapphire-type Proteins
Protein | Excitation Wavelength | Emission Wavelength |
Sapphire | 399 | 511 |
T-Sapphire | 399 | 511 |
mAmetrine | 406 | 526 |
Red Fluorescent Proteins
Red fluorescent proteins (RFP) can be imaged on existing confocal or widefield microscopes, and they also have more penetrating power. The excitation and emission maxima of RFP are 558nm and 583 nm, respectively.
The use of RFP, however, has been hampered with several issues. RFP is an obligate tetramer - thus, it forms large aggregates inside cells. This makes the use to RFP to report the location of a protein severely limited.
Although GFP can successfully fuse with several hundreds of proteins, RFP-conjugated proteins are often toxic. Some variants of RFP have overcome these limitations. For example, DsRed2 fluorescent protein does not form aggregates and has reduced toxicity, while another variant of RFP (known as RedStar) has increased brightness and maturation rate.